vegetables in Odia

Spinach in odia

Spinach in Odia

 SPinach in odia called palanga it is lots of healthy to our body. It can consume every people of the Odisha and easily available to our surroundings. spinach in odia spinach meaning in odia Spinach is consumed by lots of people due to it is a superfood. It contains nutrients and vitamins which help our …

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Pumpkin in odia

Pumpkin in Odia

 pumkin in odia called khakharu some people say boutique khakharu. pumpkin in odia Pumpkin in Odia language pumpkin is a vegetable which uses in our Dalma and other recipes. It is more similar to vegetables than fruit. Pumpkin is a dealt useful vegetable which easily available in our market and very cheap price. This pumpkin …

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Mineral meaning in Odia

Mineral meaning in Odia

Minerals meaning in Odia mineral meaning in odia is required body in mostly just like vitamin in Odia. It helps to cell function. Protein in odia help to our body. Minerals are directly or indirectly help our body in functional movent. Minerals are created through our body also by our dealy food. It is helpful …

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Carbohydrates meaning in Odia language

carbohydrates meaning in odia

 carbohydrates meaning in Odia describe its benefits uses and nutrients also vitamin all of the carbohydrates in Odia full describe. Carbohydrates in odia Carbohydrates in Odia  it is the combination of hydrogen-oxygen and carbon. it is a sugar which is needed for our body. it is one type of sugar that beaks into our body …

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Vitamin meaning in Odia language

Vitamin meaning in Odia

Vitamin meaning in Odia describe Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K decribe also water-soluble vitamin in odia and fat-soluble vitamin odia vitamin in odia  Vitamin meaning in Odia Vitamin meaning in Odia is the carbon compound that helps our metabolism. It is fulfilled by food and some vitamin is …

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