Toor dal in Odia language and price in Odisha


Toor dal in Odia called ହରଡ ଡାଲି  (harass dali) and its price in Odisha 100-150 rupees. This dal use to cury in our home and dal recipe food. Toor dal benefits also described here in this post.

Toor dal in odia describe

harad dali is one of my favourites in all of dali list.this see look also basil seeds in odia. it is too good taste and its flavour is also best. it can be eaten just like other dal.

Toor dal meaning in Odia language

This dal are normally uses Odisha, Bengali, southern, and eastern, Western State of people also. It is also the best source of plant protein. it helps grow in our body due to protein. Toor dal in Odia described also is a favourite all of the small children they are easy can be eaten. it looks like yellowish colour and available easily in our local market also. harad dali is eating every house of Indian. More about this harada dali

Toor dal farming and price in Odisha

It is farming in Odisha also it is an available online and offline market in a good price range so the lower-middle-class people can buy this product easily. some of the house it can be dealy in the rutin. in the hotel, party, and other it is the most common dal in the eating list. In Odisha farming also castor oil in Odia in the many district of state.

Benefits of Toor dal in odia

It is utilized in the health benefits also the production of medicine. This dal help to our hair in deep black and glow properly. This dali is also heating to our body. This dall tree is big and this dall is coming when the harad fruit is completely cooked. It is profitable farming of the dal farming. the farmer can farming this tree who can get lots of year harad fruit and without work, the farmer can get benefit also. so the farmer can get attract to farming this dal and also farmer get profit.
Toor dal in odia
Toor dal in odia
Toor dal also provided to vitamin, iron, a nutrient also. in Odisha, our housewife is producing this dal in too many types of recepy.

Help to body

This dal is helpful to our body also to our health like:

  • improve digestion
  • help healthy to eye
  • benefits to our kidney
  • remove kostakathin
  • asthma disease control
  • diabetics control
  • piles remove
  • reduce skin disease
  • strength to body
  • shine and strength to hair
In the recipe we can use dal, dalma, harad dali, and other. In this recipe most commonly used kalonji in Odia.

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