
season name in odia

season name in odia

odia rutu name list available here in table formate or some people say that season name in odia for child and competitive exam. English Oriya Summer ଗ୍ରୀଷ୍ମ ଋତୁ Rainy ବର୍ଷ ଋତୁ Autumn ଶରତ ଋତୁ Pre Winter ହେମନ୍ତ ଋତୁ Winter ଶୀତ ଋତୁ Spring ବସନ୍ତ ଋତୁ In every year The cycle of changes in weather, climate and …

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east west north south in odia

east west north south in odia

east west north south in odia for odisha people and help them for predit diga or direction. some people search also direction in Odia or diga in Odia they have help by our direction image and table formate The east west north south in odia is very important for a student because old age people …

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