900+ odia opposite word (biparita sabda) list and {pdf}

Odia opposite word is very important for a student in their exam; now last year competitive exam arrises the opposite Odia word of “Ghyana”. We discuss around 1000 Odia opposite word lists in this article you have to read if you don’t know about this opposite word.

If you are a student and repair for a competitive exam or any of the classes at your school, then this opposite word will help you a lot and if it is worth it for you then share it with your every friend to help them and know all opposite word. All the image biparita sabda in odia from the source of facebook.com social media website.

Odia opposite word list

All of the opposite words collect from the book, syllabus, competitive exam books and many ways where it can available because I help you and give you the best out of other websites. We are sure that this article that valuable and solve your regard odia opposite word. odia barnabodha it is most useful for all student which is the first book of odia language where also available biparita sabda in odia.

odia opposite word 3
odia opposite word
odia opposite word 2
odia opposite word 6
odia opposite word 5
odia opposite word 4
odia opposite word 7

You must share this website with your friends and family member to reach here valuable information and knowledge increase because I am also a student and help as like as my colleagues.

Read Odia Lokakatha

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