Odia month name
Odia months are 12 like English calendar months but this is different as compared to English month name.

Odiqa masa name starts from April and end in the may month of the English month.
odia masa name list in table form
Odia month | English month name |
Baisakha (ବୈଶାଖ) | Aril – May |
Jyestha (ଜେଷ୍ଟ) | May – June |
Asadha (ଆଷାଢ଼) | June – July |
Srabana (ଶ୍ରାବଣ) | July – August |
Bhadraba (ଭାଦ୍ରବ) | August – September |
Aaswina (ଆଶ୍ୱିନ) | September – October |
Kartika (କାର୍ତ୍ତିକ) | October – November |
Margashira (ମାର୍ଗଶିର) | October – November |
Pausha (ପୌଷ) | November – December |
Magha (ମାଘ) | February – March |
Phalguna (ଫାଲଗୁନ) | March – April |
Chaitra (ଚୟିତ୍ର) | April – May |
Odia month In the dealy life we are accounted with moth because in a year 12 months are present. This month is not similar with another month we can dealy life month.
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In the English calendar, there are 12 different types of months in a full year in the same type this month are normally 28,30,321 days. In a month 4 weeks contain normally.
The similar in Odia there is 12 months but it is a different name as compared to the English month name. In this Odia, month have 4 weeks and every weak have 7 days and this month have 28, 30, 31 days.

In the present market, Odia month does not use Odisha people because people are love to speak English also they have to use the English month but old men are using Odia month name in their calculation for the festival occasions and many more also Odisha people have doing festival as on Odia calendar.
odia barnabodha provides how to easilly remind this masa easily.