Odia Letter writting
Odia letter writing Is used mainly for different kinds of purposes like exams, requirements of material inform some officer or parents etc.
Odia letter formate
Odia letter formate is 3 types for different purposes.
- private letter
- official letter
- business letter
All these letters are used in our daily life and fulfil our requirements.
Private Letter. Read Odia application
Private letter
In this private letter, we are letter to privately or own letter. I this letter you can latter to father, mother, friends etc
Official Letter. Odia letter writing image bellow.
Official Letter
In this Odia letter formate to write a letter against to officer for some problem. This letter mainly focuses on government officers for a different query.
example of letter to headmaster, BDO. etc.

Business Letter
This Business Letter is a letter to business query for business problem-solve. It is mainly lettered to the high level of business like Letter to telephone manager, new toward in our place etc. Odia letter pdf of business.

Please write a sampadak patra in odia
Wow nice ,i like it ,you help to other students ,you are the great teacher and whatever! Tomorrow is my odia exam ,i had not know ,how to write a odia application ,i am baisali suna student of class 7th D.A.V S.R. SEC PUBLIC SCHOOL TITILAGARH distric -bolangir