Meaning in english

Elaichi in English or aleicha in english

Elaichi in English describe nutrition, uses and health benifits

Elaichi in English or aleicha in english is also known as cardamom. It is also gujurati speaks in odia languadge. Elaichi translation in English Elaichi in English translation cardamom is used to cooking as well as medicine production. People use this cardamom beacause of its lots of health benifits, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This plant mainly …

Elaichi in English describe nutrition, uses and health benifits Read More »

Masala in english

masala in English or spices in english explain benifits, name of different type of masala

 Masala in English is called spices.  It is normally used in the kitchen to prepare food for taste, so the people easily eat food without desperate. Masala in english masala in English In the current market, demand masala is available in many types also it is a business in the market. Masala uses anyone to …

masala in English or spices in english explain benifits, name of different type of masala Read More »

Kolatha in english

kolatha in English or kulthidal in english describe with its benefits

 kolatha in English / kulthidal in englishkolatha in english called as HORSE GRAM.  Kolkata in english Benifits Traditional Medicine horse gram is help to many more disease so, prevent our disase like: asthma, bronchitis, urinary problems, jundice, and many of the disease. Glowing Skin It is help to preventy our skin disease. In the market …

kolatha in English or kulthidal in english describe with its benefits Read More »