Festival in Odisha (all Famous festivals with month name)


April-MayMahabisuba Sankranti, Akshaya Trutuiya, Chandan Yatra, Nrusingha Janma
May-JuneSitala Sasthi, Debasnana Purnima, Raja Festival, Sabitri Amabasya
June-JulySri gundicha, Bahuda Yatra, Byasa Purnima, Chitalagi Amabasya
july-AugustNagapanchami, Jhulana Yatra, Gamha Purnima
August-SeptemberKhudurukuni Osha, Janmastami, Ganesh Puja, Ananta Brata, Sunia Somnath Brata, Radhastami
September-OctomberBiswakarma Puja, Dusehara, Kumar Purnima
Octomber-NovemberDeepabali, Aania Nabami, Rasa Purnima, Baliyatra
Novemberr-DecemberPrathamastami, Pandu Purnima
December-JanuaryBata Osha, Bakul Amabasya, Dhanusankaranti, Samba-Dashami, Pusyabhisheka
January-FebruaryMakar Sankranti, Saraswati Puja, Magha Saptami, Agni Ustav
February-MarchSibaratri, Dola Purnima
March-AprilSriram Nabami, Chaitra Purnima, Ashokastami

festival in Odisha

We request all people to read all the things one by one and then enjoy this festival but arranged on the odia masa.

India festival has really celebrated all Odia people on the time to time without any break, so do not worry read the festival name and find the date of the Odia calendar 2022 which is available on our website then celebrate you also.

Odisha festival lists
Odisha festival

In the state of Odisha many more festivals coming up in different months of the year, this state has very much famous for its culture, festival, and beautiful relationship. If are you an Odisha person then you are proud because some of the festivals have famous all over the world and many more foreigners also all over India have visited Odisha because of the culture and attend festivals, we discuss all the festivals Odisha that are more attractive to all the state people also if are you not see the festival you enjoy it by attending this one.

Our state has a holiday during this festival time because the state people celebrated this festival, the most common and famous festivals are Rathayatra(PURI), Durga puja, and more which are available below the content. Odisha people have said Proverb like “12 months provide 13 festivals” this means festivals in Odisha has arisen every month also it has more than one festival in a month, so if you come to Odisha and don’t participate in Odisha festival then you missed so many things because this is amazing feelings and religion representation with the devotion of GOD.

List of all festival names

1. Durga Pooja

This festival is one of the important festivals of Odisha where all Hindus all over the state Odisha people has to celebrate this Pooja regarding Maa Durga, this festival has coming up the story of “Mahisasur bad” which shows that women must be powerful and they protect themselves with also their child when any of the bad intentions of people have attacked them or their child.

Durga Pooja arises in the month of Ashwin or Kartik(September- October). During the time of Durga puja, all the streets have lighted up pedals and decorated also Durga sculpture has more attractive, which spirit of the festival among all people who go to visit Durga Pooja.

2. Ratha Yatra

Apart from Durga pooja, Ratha Yatra has the most important festival in Odisha whose popular all over the world and all over India also people of the world has coming up to the state puri to see the Ratha-yatra where Sri Jagannath (Vishnu Avatar), Balavadra and sister Subhadra on the place of vehicle (Ratha) and lakhs of people has to pull the Ratha rope which most memorable time.

Ratha Yatra arises in the month of April to May, if you visit the Ratha yatra puri you also visit the place Puri sea, Sourga dwara, Jagannath Dham, Konark (sun temple 10-20 kilometers from puri), and more places of puri and must to eat Abhada(Prasad of Jagannath).

3. KonarkDance Festival

This festival has dedicated purely to the sun temple (Konark) where the cultural dance of Odisha has performed on the stage this one has the beauty of Odisha dance (Odissi). The Festival is celebrated to pay tribute to the ancient beauty of the Konark temple, you have to enjoy Dance, song, lighting, custom, and more things at this festival.

the festival goes on the date of December 1 to 5 and on time lakhs of people gathered to see the program and enjoy the festival with medial has promoted this festival on their channel to reach many more people.

4. Hockey

Now time Odisha has prioritized the sports game Hockey tournament as a festival because of the decrease in hockey popularity it is held in the January or month of February when the state chief minister comes for Exposure and some cultural program with a dance festival organized for entertainment of the hockey stadium. In the last year 2023 hockey some Bollywood actors and actors have to participate in dance and drama to entertain to audience and players, so you don’t miss the festival or sports game if you visit Odisha in the month of January or  February. Odisha government has tried to gain the popularity of hockey and also help hockey players.

5. Chandan Yatra

It is the longest festival of Odisha which is celebrated at PURI Jagannath temple, some people have this festival has the name Gandhalepana Yatra and another one is “CHAPA KHELA”.  This festival has experience like cinerary where a number of a swan to swimming on the river and they ascension of god to walk around on water (which look like a vehicle of the boat where God has enjoyed boating).

From the month of April to May you can enjoy this Chandan yatra at puri with also another god where this type of festival has arisen, this festival has performed 42-day long because of this reason it has the longest festival in Odisha where you see every night god walked around on the water for ChapaKhela.

6. Kalinga Mahotsav

This festival has celebrated in memory of the ancient Odisha (Kalinga) where the king of Ashok who has attack Kalinga to victory it but during this war millions of people death and murder as well as small children and women also death so reason this festival has perform and shows the war presentation and sad moment by the form of dance and another drama program which much more interesting and mind-blowing.

It is celebrated on the 10th and 11th of January and performed at Bhubaneswar (Dhauli Shanti Stupa). On this particular date lakhs of people arrived at that particular place to see the shows and celebrate also if you are an Odisha people or another state to visit Odisha must to attend the Kalinga Mahotsav and celebrate it happily.

7. Raja Parba

All Odisha people have celebrated this Raja Parba Four-day long and basically, the villagers have celebrated this festival to the next level. This festival has dedicated to Basudha-Mata(Earth cley), during this festival all the people have makeup and new clothes with also they are happy to enjoy and celebrate by playing on the ground also all middle age man, women, old age people celebrate and share happiness to other age people and their friends, family or more.

On the month of June 14,15,16 and 17 four days celebrated Raja Parba but the last 17 prayed to the god of the earth. If are you, not an Odisha person but you think to celebrate this festival then you definitely go to a village of Odisha where you have enjoyed it more and more as compared to another place in the city.

8. Rasa Purnima

This festival has one of the most important, it has dedicated to lord Krishna by Rahasa. On this day of Rahasa Purnima you have to see an amazing sculpture of Radha and Krisha, and good lighting also you have to enjoy Bhajan and Kirtan by devotees. festival help to a sense of devotion will be awakened also enjoy the beautiful sculpture of lord Krishna and Radha and culture.

November or December this festival has arrises

9. Magha Saptami

You have enjoyed the festival at the Konark temple (Sun Temple), also named Pagoda. This festival has one of the biggest festivals just like Rathayatra, Cuttack Durga Puja, and others. On this day Chandravaga Has more colorful and lakhs of people visited this place and enjoy here more and more. You have enjoyed here artifacts, beautiful scenery, and culture program with tasty food and more.

This festival arises in the month of January or February.

10. Jorandha Mela

Dhenkanal District of Odisha people celebrated this festival through the Mahima religion of Sadhus (holy men) in the Sunya Mandir (Temple). On this mela, you have to look up the culture where people are a tribute to Samadhi of MahimaGosain who has the preacher and propounder of Mahima Culture.

In the month of January or February, this festival carries which most beautiful moment of Mahima Samadhi pitha.

11. Bali Yatra

Also known as the Boita Bandana Festival which was held at the Cuttack of Gadagadia Ghata (Mohanadi) on Kartik Purnima. The festival has one of Asia’s largest open trade Fires. you have enjoyed here a cultural program, a dance program with many more products which you use on daily basis and many more things also you have enjoyed in this place just like Mela. This location gathers lakhs of people for enjoying this day, Ramdoli, shops, and all the things available here.

November or December month

12. International Sand Art festival

This festival organized by the Odisha tourism department is held at Chandrabhaga Beach. All people of sand lovers have attracted to this festival because here you get sand creation so it has a wonderful tourism opportunity, the festival has produced sand sculptures by skillful sand artists. You have enjoyed here sand sculptures not just traditional sand but get ready stone, brunch or wood, and others, this festival has the part of Konark dance festival so you have enjoyed two festivals in one place at one time.

it starts on 2nd December.

13. Dance Festival (Dhauli,Rajarani, Mukteswar,Bharatnatyam, Khandagiri, Monks caves and kings, Dandiya)

On top of all the dance festivals or program is part of the Odisha cultural program that is not held at a particular time but we describe all the dace at one festival so you did not confuse all the things.

Dhauli- a month of March or April

Rajarani- 12-14 November

Mukteswar- 14-16th January

14. Toshali National Craft Mela

It is organized in the winter month (January or February), and the aim of this festival is help to people who find weavers, artisans, and craftsmen. On this mela, you have collected your choices of crafts and weavers which is more amazing for you because here available lakhs of crafts and weavers.

The program was organized by Odisha state of SIDAC, Handlooms, Textiles and Handicraft department in the month of January-February at Janata Maidan Chandrasekharapur(Bhubaneswar)

15. Dola Purnima

This festival has arisen on the Holi Festival when lord Krishna and Radha visited many more villages or places in the area and it is mainly celebrated by the Gopal Community of Odisha. During this time you have enjoyed the Prasad of God and visit more places with beautiful moments but the main interesting part of dola Melana where the number of areas Dola has to get together then start a cultural program with colorful powdered which is a more interesting and beautiful moment, so you not miss this and definitely enjoy the particular moment of the part.

You have enjoyed the cultural dola Melana in the month of March or April.

16. Chhau Festival

This festival has represent the tribal life and traditional dance of Odisha where it has to celebrate lakhs of tribal people in a beautiful way whose more interesting to see on the road or on any stage. This festival has primarily attached to Odissi dance, this festival has dedicated to the lord Shiva. At the festival, you have enjoy to cultural dance performances with great food and the vibrant tribal life of Orissa.

17. Nuakhai

Odisha is an agricultural state and all the agricultural families enjoy this festival for more production of their farming, this festival has very common and all framer celebrate with happiness and start their farming after that festival. The word “NUA” means new and “Khai” means Food which points to agriculture.

After one of Ganesh Chaturthi, this festival has come up and all farmers start farming by sowing the seed, it basically carries on the month of August or September.

18. Pana Sankranti

Odia New year when all the Odisha people have come to their adorable god and then enjoy this day with happiness with each other, it is also called Maha Bishuba Sankranti and it arises in April or May month. On this day all the people have not to work and all schools, collage, and offices have closed for celebrating this festival. If you visit Odisha on the days of April or May then much sure to attend this cultural festival of New Year.

19. Agni Ustav

This festival mainly celebrates the farmer of Odisha where all the farmer has collated dry stra to surrender Agni (Fire), its height is too big and you do not stand in this area. You have seen a cultural event with enjoying the fire and much more in this intrusting festival. On this festival women cleaned the house, the festival has performed dew to AGNIDEV (God of fire) and they believe that farming has better and much better.

The festival has mainly been conducted in villages in the month of January or February.

19. Khudurukuni Ossa

All girls of Odisha worship Khudurukuni to get the blessing from God Mangala because in the culture of Odisha Khudurukuni has protected them from any kind of trouble situation. The modal of the story behind Khuduruni has one girl who suffers lots of more unhealthy situations where all family members and villagers get out of their place after that she faces lots more problems and worships Mangala as khudurukuni after some days before their brother has found them and refuse also treat as a queen, so all the girls have prayed to Mangala for happy them at all time even if they has Father-in-law house but girls have stopped the pray after the mirage one year because they have not been a virgin.

In the month of August or September, these Ossa have come up and all girls have happily completed this Osa.

20. ManaBasa Gurubar

All Odia people celebrate this festival dedicated to Goddess Mahalaxmi (Wife of Narayan), some people say that Laxmi Puja, Manabasa, or others. The festival has arisen every Thursday in the month of Margasira(November-December). In this Odia cultural representation of this festival where all the women of the house have curing this Puja for goddess Lakshmi to come to her house, so they prepared their house with beautiful and soundless also curry variety of cakes for Lakshmi. In the afternoon time, any of the family members read Lakshmi Puran and then complete the Puja every Thursday of Marghasira.

If you non-Odia people then definitely go to the festival where you enjoy a print-off silence envouriment with also eat cakes, pies, and tasty food also.

21. BataOsa

This festival has been dedicated to lord Yamaha for the long life of family members where a group of women has curred this festival in a beautiful way which unique festival all over Odisha festival. This festival arises at night time with tasty pie and milk and so many to lord Yamaha. I am sure the festival has really touched your heart if you non-Odisha people and at this time all the women have happy because they pray to god for the long life of their all family members.

You attended the festival in December or January.

odisha fastival name list in odia

fastival list odisha in odia

Odia Calendar

Odia Calendar read the date when it comes to the months. Odia calendar has provided festival in odisha on the date of 2022 which really help you a lot.

Every Odisha people have known about the festival season name and its months. All of the festivals are arranged one by one on this website at the top of the table that read and known all the things regarding odia masa and Odia festival arranged by month.

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