Basil seeds in Odia overview, benifits, recipy and vitamin and minerals describe here


Basil seeds in Odia meaning in Odia called ତୁଳସୀ, ବଣ ତୁଳସୀ କୁହାଯାଏ ।। Overview, benefits, recipe and help to our body.

Basil seed in Odia

basil seed in odia looks like the black colour just like chia seed. some people are confused about this seed because it looks like a chia seed but it is not. it is available in black and white colour mainly but white colour is rarely available.
Basil seed in odia
Basil seed in Odia

Benefits of basil seed in Odia describe

  • weight loss
  • control blood sugar levels to our body
  • detox our body
  • neutralize acidic levels our body
  • benefits to our skin
  • good for hair


It is produced in India so it is an Indian seed. it looks like a rounded structure. it is also beneficial just like chia. this Tulasi seed is present high rich in protein and other materials which are required for our health.
It is more beneficial to our body by the presence of lots of different types of vitamins and minerals. It is very hard so it can not easily break down so it is consumed after soaking in water. its taste is also slightly sweet so we can consume this basil seed in Odia without added of other vegetables or not. some people are eating this basil seed directly after soaking. this seed is expanding when it is soaking in the water it is ready to eat and easily digest so properly vitamins and minerals are consume a people. in the Ayurveda, this seed is used in most of the medicine due to its benefits. it is uses and production in India.
It is a very good seed for our health. it is a plant-based protein, vitamin, and mines so everyone can get this seed. Normally people are consuming this seed after boiling water and use it in mixed fruits. It can consume every people like man, women, Pcod patient, diabetics patient and any age of people can eat this seed. It boosts energy to our body so weakness does not come easily. it also helps our hair and skin also because this seed presents omega3. basil seed Odia is mainly used by people for weight loss.


basil seed is used in our daily life to fulfilling our need for minerals, vitamins. we can it uses by some Recipes like:
  • lemonade drinks using basil seed
  • using with mixed fruit
  • soups
  • salad dressing
  • yoghurt
  • pudding
In this Tulasi seed presence lots of vitamins, minerals and other
  • calcareous
  • carbohydrates
  • fibre
  • protein
  • fat
  • omega3
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium

This basil seed in Odia is full describe with complete details read carefully and read these article also:

chia seed in Odia
giloy in odia

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